Communication agency
Aspect Ratio is a media agency with experience in marketing, PR and GR.
The agency can perform a wide range of tasks related to any forms of promotion, with traditional or unusual advertising, with complex communication for any strata of your target audience.
Moscow, Russia
was founded in 2021
Advertising support for a major Moscow exhibition
Marketing support for the exhibition of the famous Russian artist Veronika Ponomareva-Korzhevskaya "Faces of The Virgin — Images of Light" . The exhibition was held at the "Art Center. Moscow" from October 9 to November 9, 2022. The agency carried out PR promotion of the exhibition, led the project's social networks and participated in attracting visitors under the arrangement with Moscow cultural departments. It was a major event in the cultural life of Moscow. Aspect Ratio agreed to support the exhibition by Advertising Department of Moscow, which provided 50 free city ad slots. The exhibition was seen by several thousand visitors. Currently, the agency is promoting the exhibition to other regions of the country.
Development of corporate media toolkit for a state-owned company
The agency has developed a corporate video and anthem for a large state institution. The video was dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the company and was presented by the governor of the Moscow region at the Forum in honor of the anniversary. Panoramic drone shots were used for the video (it is also important that the video was prepared in three days), and a famous Spanish composer participated in the development of the anthem.
PR-and GR-support of an environmental project for communication small/medium urban businesses
The goal of the Around project is to help consumer business in sustainable development and to provide interaction of the business with urban environment through an interactive map. Aspect Ratio ensured the successful release of the Around app in Russia — it entered into an amount of agreements with government departments for boost the project and held several joint events with these structures. The agency also studied the eco-business market in Kazakhstan and developed a strategy to involve the audience of Kazakhstan in Around.
PR-support for one of the biggest Russian retailer
Aspect Ratio has developed a promotion strategy for several assortment collections of the retailer's product and provided information support for effective sales of these collections.
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